Check JUNO Current Price Today.


1.45% (24H)
Low $0.20
High $0.21
  • Market Cap $16.44 M
  • Volume $49,397
  • ATH $45.74
  • ATH(% Change) -99.55%
  • ATH Date

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# Exchange Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score

JUNO current price is $0.21 with a marketcap of $16.44 M. Its price is 1.45% up in last 24 hours.

Use & create cross-chain applications on Juno. A permission-less, decentralized & secure layer 1 blockchain.Juno is the home of CosmWasm and the InterWasm DAO.The ecosystem is pioneering CosmWasm development and adoption of cross-chain smart contracts. Juno solves first generation smart contract network bottlenecks like limited scalability and high cost on transactions and deployment and acts as a neutral base layer for developers from around the globe to unleash permissionless innovation.Via a fair and decentralized launch, Juno had its genesis on October 1st, 2021. Development is spearheaded by dozens of Cosmos ecosystem developers, validators and delegators who are crafting applications & tooling in RUST.Juno never conducted any form of seed, private or public sale. Instead the entire circulating genesis supply was stakedroped to ATOM stakers at inception. JUNO, the native asset of the network secures the blockchain via proof of stake, acts as a key to on-chain governance and fuels all applications & processes that happen on the blockchain.The sovereign network is part of the Cosmos ecosystem and currently interconnected with 19 other networks via the inter blockchain communications protocol (IBC).