Dex-Trade Exchange Info, Markets & Trading Volume.

Exchange NameDex-Trade
Volume (24H) $446,283,014.56
4,357.13 BTC
Established Year2019
# Currency Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score

Dex-Trade exchange 24 hours trading volume is $446,283,014.56 (4,357.13 BTC). Dex-Trade is established in year 2019. This cryptocurrency exchange is located in Belize

Dex-Trade is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange founded in 2017 and registered in Belize. This is a modern space for safe and comfortable trading with minimal commissions. Dex-Trade is a universal exchange for both beginners and professional traders. The minimum spread and high liquidity in order books allow you to trade efficiently with orders of any volume. Along with global opportunities, the exchange also provides a demo trading mode for risk-free testing of your trading strategies. Our dedicated support team is online 24/7 to assist you with any questions. You can learn more about Dex-Trade on the website. If you are looking for listing and promotion options with Dex-Trade please visit our listing page and a personal manager will help you to utilize our proven tools and intelligent market-making system to engage with the vast exchange community in the best possible way.